The Eagle Rock Quarry is located 18 kilometres south-southwest of Port Alberni, 1.3 kilometres west-southwest of Hocking Point, on the west side of the Alberni Canal.
The Hocking Point mineral occurrence is a site examined for hard rock aggregate production. A 20 unit modified grid claim was staked in 2001 to cover a large hill underlain by granodiorite intrusion. The property is located about 15 kilometres by boat southwest of Port Alberni on the west shore of Alberni inlet. Road access is 28 kilometres by logging road south on the west side of Alberni Inlet.
An extensive program of geological mapping and diamond drilling were executed January through March of 2002. Regionally, the property covers the Corrigan Pluton, a part of the large Island Plutonic Suite that intrudes basalts of the Karmutsen Formation. On the property, the intrusion is massive, uniform, light-grey granodiorite. Fracture analysis of the intrusion has defined three major sets. Set 1 is oriented 330 to 030 degrees and dips 70 to 90 degrees east and west. The set spacing frequency is 20 to 50 centimetres and persists 1 to 3 metres. Set 2 is oriented 060 to 120 degrees and dips 70 to 90 degrees north and south. The set spacing frequency is 05. to 2.0 metres and persists 1 to 10 metres. Set 3 is oriented 060 to 120 degrees and dips 20 - 40 degrees north and south. The set frequency is 2 to 6 metres and persist 2 to 10 metres. Set 1 joints are the most prominent and form horsetail patterns of tight, branching joints and fractures. Set 2 joints commonly are expressed as steep bluffs with steep southerly scarps, 5 to 20 metres high. Set 3 joints are commonly expressed as low angle terraces. Few fracture zones are present. The property examination has lead to the conclusion that the location is suitable for development as a source for aggregate (Assessment Report 26823). The proposed quarry is designed to produce 6 million tonnes of construction aggregate per year (Northern Miner, October 13, 2003).