The Tex and Ada occurrence area is underlain by the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group) consisting of chloritic pillow basalts with local zones of brecciation, pillow breccias and occasional limestone lenses. Feldspar porphyritic dykes or sills intrude the brecciated basalt locally. The basalts are usually strongly fractured with hematite and manganese stain and epidote along the fractures.
Numerous small, discontinuous drusy quartz lenses and veinlets occur in the basalt and are mineralized with pyrite and occasional chalcopyrite. Locally, pyrite and chalcopyrite also occur at a brecciated contact between basalt and limestone. A rock chip sample from this location assayed 0.15 per cent copper (Assessment Report 12084). Elsewhere on the property, chalcopyrite occurs in a silicified breccia cut by a feldspar porphyritic dyke. A rock sample taken from trench dump material assayed up to 21 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14444).