Regionally the area is predominantly underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group). The basalts range from feldspar porphyritic to augite porphyritic with amygdaloidal and aphanitic varieties also present. Pillow basalt flows are common. Limestone occurs locally as narrow lenses with limited lateral extent.
The Dave's occurrence area is underlain by basalt of the Karmutsen Formation in contact with a diorite intrusive. The contact area is silicified and contains pyrite as fracture-fillings and disseminations. Hematite and minor epidote are also evident.
A narrow pyritic quartz vein of limited extent striking 072 degrees and dipping steeply south, cuts an altered intermediate dyke which has been sheared in a direction parallel to the vein. The dyke in turn crosses the diorite intrusive. A rock sample from the quartz vein assayed 14.83 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18671).
A weathered pyritic quartz porphyry dyke occurs 30 metres along strike from the vein and is cut by carbonate stringers and a 0.5 to 1 metre wide, strongly silicified and limonitic shear zone.