EM EXPL 1999-25-32
EMPR AR 1909-25; 1910-25; 1911-28,206; 1913-288; 1916-359; 1919-28;
1920-216; 1921-222; 1922-238; 1923-256; 1926-316; 1927-358;
1929-392,437; 1930-423; 1931-238; 1933-344; 1936-F65; 1937-F38;
1938-F70; 1939-112; 1944-82; 1945-131,132; 1946-206; 1947-218;
1948-189; 1966-268; 1967-310; 1968-320
EMPR BULL *23, pp. 70-74; *40, pp. 52-58,60-66
EMPR ENG INSP Annual Report 1989, 1990
EMPR EXPL 1985-A48; 1996-A13
EMPR GEM 1969-396; 1970-500; 1971-465; 1972-600; 1973-549;
EMPR INF CIRC 1995-a, p. 9; 1996-1, p. 9; 1997-1, p. 12; 1998-1,
p. 13
EMPR MAP 65, 1989
EMPR MINING 1975-1980 Vol.I, p. 45; 1981-1985, p. 63; 1986-1987,
p. 88; 1988, p. 88
EMPR OF 1990-3; 1992-1; 1992-9; 1992-18, pp. 24-25; 1994-1
EMPR PF (Grainger, R.M. (1991): Blubber Bay Quarry, Ash Grove
Cement West Inc.; Ashgrove Cement, Social Economic
Considerations, 1996; R. Pinsent, Notes, 1993; Photos, 1992)
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50, pp. 14,15
CANMET RPT 452 Vol.5, pp. 160,161; *811 Part 5, pp. 144-147
N MINER Oct. 18, 1998
Ogilvy, A.G. (1967): A Petrographic Investigation of the
Stratigraphic Significance of "Insul" & Magnesia in Domtar
Chemicals Limestone Quarry, Blubber Bay, British Columbia,
Unpub. B.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia
EMPR PFD 7896, 7897, 7898, 7899, 7900, 7901, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7905, 7906, 7909, 7910, 888677, 888680, 676401, 676932