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File Created: 11-Jul-1989 by Laura L. Duffett (LLD)
Last Edit:  11-Jul-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)

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Name MT. DICK Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092F060
Status Showing NTS Map 092F09E
Latitude 049º 30' 02'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 09' 31'' Northing 5483748
Easting 416110
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Mt Dick occurrence is comprised of a bed of fine to medium-grained, grey limestone of the Permian to Pennsylvanian Mount Mark Formation (Buttle Lake Group) up to 6 metres thick, extending north from the southwest coast of Texada Island for 820 metres. The bed outcrops along the base of cliffs comprised of massive and pillowed basaltic flows of the overlying Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Karmutsen Formation. Aphanitic volcanics of the Paleozoic Sicker Group underlie the limestone. The bed strikes 058 degrees and dips 60 degrees northwest. This limestone is likely the southwestern extension of the bed that comprises the Anderson Bay occurrence (092F 088), which outcrops 1.1 kilometres to the northeast. Crinoids, corals and bryozoa are commonly found in this limestone. A bed of purple-pink variegated marble up to 6 metres wide, also occurs in the limestone.

EMPR BULL *40, pp. 47-49
EMPR EXPL 1985-B20
EMPR FIELDWORK *1979, pp. 109-111
GSC ANN RPT 1887 Vol.II, p. 33B
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC MEM 58, pp. 14-17
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50, p. 8
CANMET RPT *452 Vol.5, pp. 149,150,155; 811 Part 5, pp. 142,144