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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  02-Apr-1990 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 092F10 Fe1
BCGS Map 092F078
Status Past Producer NTS Map 092F10E
Latitude 049º 42' 19'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 32' 52'' Northing 5507013
Easting 388401
Commodities Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Magnetite, Zinc Deposit Types K03 : Fe skarn
K01 : Cu skarn
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

A Quatsino Formation limestone sequence, 60 to 250 metres thick, forms a 3 kilometre wide belt extending northwest from Gillies Bay to Blubber Bay at the tip of Texada Island. It conformably overlies Karmutsen Formation volcanics and mainly comprises pure, massive to poorly bedded calcareous and dolomitic limestone. Both formations form part of the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group. Exposed contacts between the limestone and underlying volcanic rocks are usually marked by steep faults. The volcanic rocks comprise rhythmically layered amygdaloidal, feldspar porphyritic and spherulitic basalt flows. A major episode of folding (F1) has been recognized; this resulted in the limestones and, to a lesser degree, the underlying volcanics, being deformed into a series of broad, northwest trending open folds that plunge northwards. Two subparallel, northwest striking lineaments are evident in the area. The Ideal and Holly faults have apparently controlled the emplacement of some Jurassic intrusions and their associated skarn mineralization.

The Middle Jurassic Gillies stock intrudes both the Quatsino and Karmutsen formations. The stock has yielded a zircon U-Pb radiometric age of 178 Ma (Fieldwork, 1989) and is genetically associated with several magnetite-rich skarn deposits (Prescott, Lake, Yellow Kid and Paxton) in an area 1524 by 609 metres. It mainly comprises a grey, medium-grained equigranular quartz monzonite that contains amphibole, biotite and occasional pyroxene phenocrysts. A late potassium feldspar rich phase is also present. The stock and the surrounding limestones are cut by sets of north and east trending feldspar porphyritic dykes that reach 10 metres in thickness and postdate skarn mineralization. The Gillies stock and its associated iron-skarn deposits lie close to the Ideal fault. Locally at the iron mines (Prescott, Lake, Yellow Kid and Paxton), the volcanic- limestone contact is highly deformed and these structures have partly controlled the distribution of the magnetite ore. The Karmutsen volcanics in the vicinity of the Gillies stock are variably metamorphosed, most typically to a chloritized or epidotized basalt; the Quatsino limestone is bleached white and coarsely recrystallized.

Magnetite skarn mineralization at the Yellow Kid mine is generally developed close to or along the margin of the Gillies stock and limestone. Magnetite orebodies adjacent to the stock are generally associated with abundant garnet-pyroxene-amphibole skarn. The massive magnetite occurs with reddish-brown garnet, pyroxene (hedenbergite-diopside), epidote, amphibole (actinolite), calcite and chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. Traces of arsenopyrite and rare sphalerite are also observed (International Geological Congress Guidebook, Day 2-Texada, by A. Sutherland Brown). Contacts between the skarn and unaltered rocks are generally sharp. Mineralogical zoning is recognized and, where fully developed, comprises barren skarn close to the intrusion, grading outwards to magnetite-rich skarn and then into marble. Locally, chalcopyrite and pyrite occur close to the outer margins of the skarn envelope, adjacent to limestone or marble. Pyrite and chalcopyrite veinlets commonly cut magnetite skarn. Early garnet-pyroxene assemblages were followed by the introduction of magnetite and late sulphide mineralization. The Yellow Kid dyke, a large vertical feldspar porphyry dyke, strikes northwest through the northern sections of the Yellow Kid pit. The Yellow Kid ore contains a higher copper content and copper concentrates produced from milling contain recoverable amounts of gold and silver.

The initial discoveries of the four main iron-skarn deposits were from west to east, the Prescott (092F 106), Yellow Kid, Paxton (092F 107) and Lake (092F 259). Subsequent discoveries by underground exploration included the Midway (combined with the Yellow Kid), Le Roi (combined with the Yellow Kid), Lake Extension (combined with the Lake) and Anomaly A (combined with the Prescott).

The Yellow Kid deposit was discovered in 1953-54; in 1955 an open pit operation started and in 1957 milling of magnetite ore began. Underground exploration began in 1959 in an adit driven from the shoreline to explore beneath the Prescott and Yellow Kid open pits. In the course of this underground development, the Midway deposit was discovered between the Prescott and Yellow Kid pits and production from here beginning in 1964 is included with the Yellow Kid. A shaft and 5 levels were established to mine the deposits. A crosscut driven in 1964 to intersect the Lake Extension orebody (an extension of the Lake deposit), discovered another orebody, the Le Roi, which occurs between the Paxton open pit and the Yellow Kid open pit. The Le Roi orebody, due to its proximity to the Yellow Kid deposit, has been included with the Yellow Kid. A decline was started in 1966 from the Lake open pit to mine the Le Roi and Lake Extension orebodies. By 1968 all open pit mining ceased. Some underground development work was done on the Anomaly A orebody in 1969-70, located 440 metres northwest of the Prescott open pit.

The Texada Mines, which encompassed all of the above deposits and orebodies, closed on December 17, 1976 due to depletion of ore reserves. The property is held by Consolidated Van Anda Gold Ltd.

Production from 1957 to 1970 totalled 23,645,219 grams of silver, 887,401 grams of gold, 25,432,020 kilograms of copper and 7,989,280,251 kilograms of iron from 18,181,433 tonnes mined.

EMPR AR 1876-429; 1888-324; 1897-559,560; 1898-1144; 1899-557,805,806, 816; 1901-1232; 1902-H225-H228,H236; 1903-H205; 1904-G247; 1905- J215; 1906-H203; 1907-L152; 1908-J146,J154; 1912-K197; 1916-K276, K296,K298-K300,K356,K357,K365; 1951-A196; *1952-A218-A221,A338, A339; 1953-A162,A163,A277; 1954-A48,A164,A263; 1955-A46,75; 1956- A48,116,129-131; 1957-A48,67,68,154; 1958-A43,57,121; 1959-A46,130, 131; 1960-A52,89,90; 1961-A47,90,91,240,241,281; 1962-A47,94,95, 246,247,285,287; 1963-A47,96-98,222,224,272; *1964-A53,146-151,334; 1965-224,225; 1966-72,73; 1967-72; 1968-101; 1969-A54; 1970-A53; 1971-A53; 1972-A53; 1973-A53; 1974-A119; 1975-A93; 1976-A103
EMPR BULL 3 (1917); 40, p. 80; 101, pp. 13, 57, 164, Appendix 4A, 6
EMPR FIELDWORK *1989, pp. 257-265
EMPR GEM 1969-213; 1970-282; 1971-251; 1972-269,270; 1973-233,234; 1974-179,180; 1977-E113
EMPR OF 1988-28; 1990-3; 1998-10
EMPR P 1898-3, pp. 51-53
EMPR PF ((see Prescott - 092F 106), *Robinson, W.C. (1974): Preliminary Report of Texada Mine; Haig-Smillie, L.D. (1973): Sea Water Flotation, Texada Mines Ltd.; Paterson, R.G. (1973): Notes on Ore Reserves; Various maps on surface and underground geology, pit outlines, photographs); Three dimensional map of underground workings; Geology map of Yellow Kid pit; Surface geology map; see Lake - 092F 259, Texada Mines Ltd.-21 Years of Shipments of Iron Ore to Japan; Canadian Stockwatch, 1993; Regional Geologist's notes, 1997)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Texada Mines Ltd.)
GSC BULL *172, pp.56-63
GSC EC GEOL 3, pp. 86-102
GSC MAP 1386A; 17-1968
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50; 71-36
GSC SUM RPT 1924 Part A, pp. 106-144
CANMET IR 728, pp. 156-158; 736, pp. 269-273,276-281; 744, pp. 25-31; 763, p. 232
CANMET RPT 47, pp. 21-24
CIM Transactions Vol. LXXVII, pp. 8-13, 1974
CMJ Vol.83, pp. 53-56 (1962)
EG Vol. 79, pp. 869-882
GCNL #193,#217, 1988; #78, 1993
W MINER (Vol.39, Nov.1966, pp. 30-36; Vol.36, June 1963, pp. 34-44; Vol.33, Aug.1960, pp. 28-34; Vol.33, Jan.1960, pp. 31-36; Vol.32, Oct.1959, pp. 122-124
Ettlinger, A.D. (1990): A Geological Analysis of Gold Skarns and Precious Metal Enriched Iron and Copper Skarns in British Columbia; unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Washington State University, 246 pages