A persistent lead of magnetite was located on the divide between Bedwell River and the first important tributary of Moyeha River coming in from the east (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 204). No other details of the deposit were reported.
The region is underlain by andesitic to basaltic volcanics of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation, Vancouver Group. Intruding the stratigraphy and covering large areas are rocks of the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite, which on Vancouver Island, vary in composition from gabbro to quartz monzonite but are mainly granodiorite and quartz diorite. A north trending band of limestone about 5 kilo- metres in length occurs, bounded on the west by Karmutsen rock and on the east by Island Plutonic Suite rock (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 463). This limestone has not been assigned to a group or formation.
Similar types of rocks found several kilometres to the southeast near Bedwell River are known to host skarn-type magnetite deposits.