The Gam occurrence is located north of Ucona River on a south facing slope of White Ridge.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Vancouver Group rocks consisting of Karmutsen Formation basalts overlain by Quatsino Formation limestone. These are intruded by the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite consisting dominantly of quartz diorite with lesser diorite and granodiorite. At least 23 skarn showings are scattered within all three major rock units and at their contacts. Several of the skarns within the Karmutsen basalts are conformable, occupying highly amygdaloidal flow tops.
The skarns consist primarily of magnetite and garnet with strong concentrations of epidote in surrounding basalts. Some contain, pyrite, chalcopyrite and one contains sphalerite. Diamond drill core shows chalcopyrite occurring in patches, vesicles and veins within highly silicified basalts. In one section native copper also occurs in vesicles. The lower end of the main skarn zone is exposed at an elevation of 990 metres on Gam 4 claim and has been traced northward to elevation of 1245 metres on the Gam 20 claim. Scattered outcrops containing magnetite skarn are exposed to the west and north west. In 1979, assays of mineralized sections range from 0.13 to 0.89 per cent copper (Assessment Report 8037).
In 1963, Mastodon-Highland completed a program of geological mapping and a ground magnetometer survey on the area as the Gam claims. During 1973 through 1977, W. Babkirk prospected the area as the Donner and Heber claims. In 1978, Mont Alta Projects Ltd. completed a program of rock sampling and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Donner Lake property. In 1979, CON-AM Resources optioned the property and completed a program of geological mapping, rock sampling and a ground magnetometer survey.