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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  11-Jul-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)

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Name BALLENAS ISLANDS Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092F040
Status Showing NTS Map 092F08E
Latitude 049º 20' 46'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 09' 20'' Northing 5466575
Easting 416068
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

A 46 to 60 metre thick bed of grey argillaceous limestone of the Permian to Pennsylvanian Nanoose Formation (Sicker Group) possibly correlative with the Fourth Lake Formation (Buttle Lake Group) out- crops on the North and South Ballenas Islands, 25 kilometres north- west of Nanaimo. The limestone contains crinoids, brachiopods, corals and fusilinids and is underlain by brown argillite and grey- wacke, which grade downward into green and grey bedded tuffs. The entire sequence is folded into a northwest plunging syncline. The limestone is partially silicified and displays a well developed slaty cleavage. In places the limestone contains up to 10 per cent albite grains.

EMPR BULL 40, p. 47
EMPR OF 1988-24, p. 49
GSC MAP 49-963; 17-1968
GSC OF 463; 1272
GSC P 68-50, pp. 8,9; 79-30, p. 18
GSC PROG RPT 1873-74, pp. 94-102
Edgeworth, A.L. (1973): Geology of the South Ballenas Island, University of British Columbia B.Asc. Thesis