The Angela occurrence is located on upper east facing ridge sides above Oktwanch River, north of Muchulat Lake at an elevation of 1070 metres. The showing is situated approximately 20 kilometres northwest of the town of Gold River.
The geology of the Angela area is dominated by granodiorite and quartz diorite of the Island Intrusions with a centralized 1 kilometre by 500-700 metre pendant of limestone, basalt, andesite, and felsic tuffs. These rocks are more or less representative of the upper Sicker Group and transition to the Karmutsen Formation. The individual units strike approximately east-west and dip steeply. Epidote alteration associated with quartz veining and fractures is common in all rock types.
In 1995 and 1996 the Angela area was prospected, stream sampled and rock sampled by Westmin Resources Limited, operating for Doromin Resources Ltd., as part of the Dragon property. The Angela occurrence was initially discovered through stream sediment sampling in 1995. Rock sampling and mapping in 1996 determined spotty skarn mineralization with elevated copper, silver +/- tungsten values. Sample number 118545 (Assessment Report 24593) of a garnetiferous skarn, with estimated 15 per cent pyrrhotite, 5 per cent pyrite, and 1 per cent chalcopyrite, assayed 0.8 gram per tonne silver, 0.47 per cent copper, and 0.05 per cent tungsten.