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File Created: 09-Jan-2014 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  08-Jul-2022 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name MOUSE HOLE, MAYBEE A, NIMPKISH COPPER Mining Division Alberni, Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092E099
Status Showing NTS Map 092E16W
Latitude 049º 58' 04'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 18' 26'' Northing 5538524
Easting 693100
Commodities Iron, Magnetite Deposit Types K03 : Fe skarn
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Mouse Hole occurrence is located on northeast facing slopes overlooking the Upper Oktwanch River, approximately 28 kilometres northwest of the town of Gold River.

The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group) pillow lavas with minor interbedded limestone, which have been intruded by granodiorite of the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.

Locally, a granite-limestone contact is mineralized with garnet and magnetite. Sulphide- bearing quartzite is also reported in the area. In 1990, sampling yielded up to 38.75 per cent iron with low values in base and precious metals (Assessment Report 20079).

In 1965, Empire Development completed a program of prospecting and geological mapping on the area as part of the Nimpkish Copper property. In 1972, First National Mines completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the HK 1-2 claims. In 1990, the area was prospected as the Maybee A claim. In 1993, Noranda completed a program of airborne geophysical surveys on the area as part of the Muchalat property. In 1995 and 1996 the Mouse Hole area was prospected, stream sampled and rock sampled by Westmin Resources Limited, operating for Doromin Resources Ltd., as part of the Dragon property.

In 1996, R.J. Lightle prospected the area. In 2011, the area was prospected as part of the Preston property. In 2012 and 2103, Santa Fe Metals Corp., on behalf of British Pacific Minerals Ltd., carried out programs of prospecting, stream sediment and rock sampling on the Preston property. The sampling of mostly metasedimentary rocks returned anomalous values of copper (ranging between 0.0002 and >1 per cent) and silver (ranging between <0.1 to 3.3 grams per tonne). The sampling was followed up by a small microdrill program to determine the extent, style and potential of copper, silver, zinc, lead mineralization at the massive sulphide lens in Campbell Creek (092E 025), approximately 700 metres west of Mouse Hole.

EMPR ASS RPT 728, 4102, *20079, 22964, *24015, 24467, *24593, 33027, *34174, 34878
EMPR GEM 1972-263
GSC OF 463
GSC P 71-36; 72-44; 80-16
Carson, D.J.T. (1968): Metallogenic study of Vancouver Island with emphasis on the relationship of plutonic rocks to Mineral deposits, Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa
Sangster, D.F. (1964): The Contact Metasomatic Magnetite Deposits of Southwestern B.C., Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia