The Kukutka occurrence is located on Cypress Creek, approximately 3.5 kilometres south of Muchalat Lake.
The area is underlain by the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite consisting of granodiorite intrusives in contact with basaltic volcanic rocks and limestones of the Triassic Karmutsen and Quatsino formations.
Locally, pyritized epidote veinlets and quartz veinlets host copper values in an altered basic to ultra basic lamprophyre.
From 1998 to 2007, the area was prospected and geochemically sampled by Specogna Minerals. In 1998, three samples assayed between 1180 and 1440 parts per million copper with anomalous values in cobalt and nickel (Assessment Report 26096). In 2007, sampling of an un-mapped marble unit in the same area as the copper showing assayed values up to 160 parts per million tin and 80 parts per million uranium from an area free of sulphides. Another area of silicified and quartz-veined limestone assayed values up to 15 parts per million silver, 4200 parts per million lead, 1520 parts per million zinc and 500 parts per million selenium (Assessment Report 29507).