The Nootka occurrence comprises minealized showings on cliffs on the south side of Big Baldy Mountain. The showings are visible from the road. A prospector has built ladders to access the mineralization. The exact location of the showings is not known. It is of interest that there are no recorded MINFILE occurrences or Assessment Reports recorded in at least a 10 kilometre radius. Access is by logging roads up McCurdy Creek then northeast up a major, unnamed tributary to the foot of Big Baldy Mountain.
Big Baldy Mountain is underlain by basalts of the middle to upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation. These are commonly massive to pillowed flows that show strong alteration around the pillow rims. To the north of Big Baldy Mountain are underlying sedimentary rocks of the Mississippian to Permian Buttle Lake Group. This package is enveloped by intrusuions of the early to middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.
Mineralization at the Nootka showings are described to be semi-massive sulphides within a shear-like structure that dips about 45 degrees. Rock within the structure is silicified and brecciated. Sulphides present are pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and coarse, euhedral pyrite. Gangue comprises quartz and some black chlorite. Samples taken by the prospector are reported to have gold contents to 3.78 grams per tonne, silver to 160 grams per tonne and zinc to 4.75 per cent [Property File, District Geologist notes]. It is suggested that mineralization at the Nootka may be similar to that at the June (Adola) mineral occurrence (092E 018).