The Intention occurrence is located on the Northwest side of Wardroper Creek, approximately 2.5 km north of Cowichan Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by granodiorite of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite and hornfelsed basalt, andesite and rhyolite tuff of the Upper Devonian McLaughlin Ridge Formation, (Sicker Group). The granodiorite is cut by narrow aplite and basalt dykes.
Locally, mineralization is associated with basalt hosting chalcopyrite. In 2019, D.M. Arbic collected two rock samples, 01-A assayed 1.185 gram per tonne gold, 19.9 gram per tonne silver, 0.3829 per cent copper, and 0.0535 per cent cobalt, while another nearby sample 02-a assayed 0.12 gram per tonne gold and 4.4 gram per tonne silver (Assessment Report 38443).
Work History
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby Paula (092C 126) occurrence and a completed exploration history can be found there.
In 2019 D.M. Arbic completed a small rock sampling program.