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File Created: 05-Jul-2013 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  18-Jul-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name HOLT 5 Mining Division Victoria
BCGS Map 092B071
Status Showing NTS Map 092B12W
Latitude 048º 41' 56'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 48' 13'' Northing 5394295
Easting 440869
Commodities Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Holt 5 occurrence is located at the head waters of Holt Creek, approximately 1 kilometre southwest of Lois Lake.

The claims are underlain by Paleozoic Sicker Group and Buttle Lake Group volcanics and sediments exposed in a north west trending syncline. The basal Devonian Nitinat Formation (Sicker Group) forms a sequence of volcanics, volcaniclastics and minor sediments that have undergone pervasive epidotization. Overlying these are pillowed, amygdaloidal and massive basalts correlated with the Nitinat to Fourth Lake Formations transition (possibly Duck Lake Formation, Sicker Group). Epidotization and hematization are common, with minor malachite along fractures. The basalt is overlain by bedded jasper, chert and argillite with minor limestone. The jasper is commonly crosscut by quartz veinlets hosting pyrite, chalcopyrite, and magnetite. The matrix commonly hosts specularite. The Mississippian to Pennsylvanian Fourth Lake Formation (Buttle Lake Group) overlies the Nitinat rocks and is comprised of well-bedded chert and tuff.

These Paleozoic rocks are intruded by diorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite (formerly Island Intrusions) and a series of diabase dikes related to the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group). Epidote veining, as well as quartz veining hosting chalcopyrite and pyrite with some malachite, accompanies the epidotization. Skarnification of layered tuffs adjacent to the intrusive is common.

Locally, several quartz veins host pyrite and pyrrhotite mineralization.

In 1987, Nexus Resources and Goldenrod Resources completed a program of geochemical sampling and geological mapping on the Holt 1-15 claims. A sample of mineralized quartz vein assayed 0.25 per cent copper (Assessment Report 16059).

In 2006, D. Herriott completed a program of prospecting on the area as the Silver Nugget claims.

In 2018, Island Time Exploration Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, prospecting, geochemical (soil, silt and rock) sampling and an airborne magnetometer survey on the area as the Holt property.

EMPR ASS RPT *16059, 28955
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 81-91
EMPR OF 1988-8; 1999-2
GSC MAP 42A; 1386A; 1553A
GSC MEM 13; 96
GSC OF 463
GSC P 72-44; 75-1A, p. 23; 79-30
Carpenter, T.H. (2018-12-31): Technical Report on the Holt Property with Recommendations for Further Exploration