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File Created: 21-Jun-2013 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  09-Jun-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name POWERLINE, OSBORNE BAY, PF, PF III, SIRIUS Mining Division Victoria
BCGS Map 092B082
Status Showing NTS Map 092B13E
Latitude 048º 50' 02'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 38' 56'' Northing 5409193
Easting 452381
Commodities Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Powerline occurrence is located near the intersection of Osborne Bay Road with the high-tension powerline, approximately 3.5 kilometres south of Crofton.

The area is underlain by volcanics of the Upper Devonian McLaughlin Ridge Formation, (Sicker Group), reported to be altered to schists in the area. Intruding the country rocks is quartz feldspar porphyry of the Late Devonian Saltspring Intrusive Suite (formerly the Saltspring Intrusions).

Locally, mafic volcanic rocks with chloritic zones host up to 7 per cent pyrite in disseminations and stringers.

In 1970, the area was explored as the Sirius claims by Canpac Minerals. In 1986 and 1987, the area was explored as the PF claims. Programs of geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical sampling were completed at this time. Grab sampling of the zone assayed 0.09 per cent copper and another similar zone, 150 metres to the west, assayed 0.07 per cent copper (Assessment Report 16029).

EMPR ASS RPT *16029, 16319
Simmons, B. (2007-08-24): Report On The Cornucopia Project