The Met showing is located northwest of Forslund Lake, approximately 2 kilometres southeast of the Bear Creek Reservoir.
The area is underlain by Leech River Formation metasedimentary rocks, to the north, in contact with, the Metchosin volcanics to the south along the Leech River fault. The Leech River Formation is composed of metasandstone, metapelites and amphibolite, where as the Eocene Metchosin volcanics are composed of andesitic tuff, lapilli tuff, agglomerate or flow. Within this unit is an east-west trending, south dipping, aplite dike.
Locally, sulphides, in the form of pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and minor bornite, occur as fracture fillings and as fine disseminations throughout an andesite tuff, and to a lesser extent, the aplite dike.
Chip sampling of the showing has returned values up to 1.4 per cent copper and 0.260 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18993).