The View showing is located on the north side of the Cowichan River.
The area is located near the northwest trending geological contact of the Devonian Nitinat Formation (Sicker Group) and the Mississippian to Pennsylvanian Fourth Lake Formation (Buttle Lake Group) (Open File 1988-8). Several hundred metres to the north, Fourth Lake Formation rocks form a northwest trending contact with granodiorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite (formerly called the Island Intrusions).
Locally, a body of manganese and rhodonite occurs and has been exposed over a strike length of 20 metres. The rhodonite is described as being “bubblegum” pink, mixed with spessartine and found as blebs within a chert host.
In 1998, the View claim was staked and prospected by R. Walton. Sampling of the occurrence assayed up to 0.165 grams per tonne gold and 0.044 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25886).