The Tia property was located in 1994 to cover slate exposures and develop material for market testing. Approximately 12 tonnes of material was picked and removed for market testing. The slate is part of the Leech River Formation. This is a package of turbiditic greywacke/argillite that has been deformed and metamorphosed to slate and schist. The Leech River Formation is bound by the Leech River and San Juan faults. Rocks on the property are primarily brown siltstone/slate that weather rusty brown. The slate breaks subparellel to bedding creating wedge shaped sheets 2 to 5 centimetres thick and in excess of 100 by 50 centimetres across. Mottle coloured slate tends to break into smaller sheets than more uniformly coloured slate. The existing quarry is about 60 by 20 metres across and up to 15 metres high. Test marketing in 1996 showed initial interest in the material. The Tia claim was forfeited in 1999. There is no further record of work.