The Block 383 is located north of the Koksilah River, approximately 5.5 kilometres west of Cobble Hill.
The area is underlain predominantly by bedded chert and cherty basaltic tuffs of the Mississippian to Pennsylvanian Fourth Lake Formation (formerly the Sediment-Sill Unit of Muller), Buttle Lake Group. These are overlain by limestone, bedded chert and cherty tuff of the Upper Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Mount Mark Formation, Buttle Lake Group (formerly the Buttle Lake Formation). These Paleozoic rocks are intruded by numerous dykes of feldspar porphyritic dacite and rhyolite and part of a granodioritic stock of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite (formerly called Island Intrusions).
Block 383 was examined by Cellardor Mines in 1964 and a well- mineralized zone containing chalcopyrite and pyrite was discovered. The zone is about 150 metres in length and tens of metres wide. A limestone band outcrops adjacent to gabbro or diorite at this locality. A diamond-drill hole was put down on Lot (Block) 217 about 300 to 400 metres to the west of the Block 383 showings. The hole mainly intersected cherty volcanics locally containing skarn, epidote, pyrite, pyrrhotite and some chalcopyrite. One 3-metre interval assayed 0.29 per cent copper (Malcolm, 1964).
In 1983 through 1985, Reward Resources completed programs of prospecting, geochemical sampling and ground geophysical surveys on the Independence, Koksilah, Pacific Star and Western mineral claims. In 1986, Hollycroft and Nexus resources completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the Sil claims.