The Permit 85 showings are located east of the Sooke River, approximately 2.5 kilometres north west of Peden Lake.
The area is underlain by basalt, gabbro and diabase of the Eocene Metchosin Igneous Complex. Gabbroic and diabase intrusions related to the coeval Eocene Sooke Gabbro occur nearby.
Locally, epidote and minor chalcopyrite filled amygdules are hosted within the Eocene Metchosin basalts and diabase.
In 1973, a program of geological mapping, rock and soil sampling and an induced polarization survey was completed on the Permit 85 claim. A rock sample of malachite stained material assayed 0.13 per cent copper (Property File - White, G.E. (1973): Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Report on Mineral Permit #85).