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File Created: 14-Mar-1986 by Z. Dan Hora (ZDH)
Last Edit:  02-Dec-2014 by Laura deGroot (LDG)

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Name BLUE RIVER FELDSPAR, BLUE RIVER, BLUE 1-3, BLUE 2 Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 083D014
Status Prospect NTS Map 083D03W
Latitude 052º 07' 03'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 20' 42'' Northing 5776701
Easting 339447
Commodities Feldspar Deposit Types O04 : Feldspar-quartz pegmatite
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Monashee
Capsule Geology

The Blue River Feldspar showing is located approximately 3 kilometres west of the town of Blue River on the north side of the Blue River valley. A pegmatite dyke, hosted in gneissic rocks along the northern margin of the Paleozoic to Proterozoic Shuswap Metamorphic Complex, has been explored as a source of feldspar. The deposit was mapped and drilled by G.R. Guillet in 1984.

Three major stratigraphic units are recognized in the area; metasedimentary rocks of the Semipelite-Amphibolite, the Middle Marble and the Upper Clastic units of the Hadrynian Horsethief Creek Group. These units are regionally metamorphosed to upper amphibolite grade. A pegmatite body, approximately 10 by 4 kilometres in area, is located on the north side of Blue River and trends east-west. A south-southwest apophyses of this pegmatite body extends southerly towards the Blue River where it outcrops at this deposit. The pegmatite intrudes biotite-quartz-feldspar gneiss of the Hadrynian Horsethief Creek Group.

The pegmatite consists of a coarse assemblage of white feldspar and quartz with accessory muscovite. The dyke, which strikes northeast and dips vertically, has been traced along strike for 1475 metres with a width of 490 metres and is best observed in outcrop along the base of the north valley wall of the Blue River.

A drill hole encountered two pegmatite sections of 6.2 and 3.6 metres separated by gneiss before intersecting the main pegmatite zone at 26.2 metres depth. The drill hole was terminated at 40 metres still in pegmatite. The weighted average of three samples of drill core analyzed as follows after dry magnetic separation (Assessment Report 12892):


SiO2 - 74.4 per cent

Al2O3 - 14.7 per cent

Fe2O3 - 0.076 per cent

CaO - 1.73 per cent

MgO - 0.04 per cent

Na2O - 3.89 per cent

K2O - 4.53 per cent

MnO -< 0.01 per cent

TiO2 - 0.01 per cent

P2O5 - 0.02 per cent

LOI - 0.53 per cent

Chromium - < 10 ppm

Rubidium - 130 ppm

Strontium - 630 ppm

Yttrium - < 10 ppm

Zirconium - < 10 ppm

Niobium - 20 ppm


Based on company results, the pegmatite contains feldspathic material which meets industry specifications for glass and ceramic applications.

EMPR OF *1991-10
EMPR PF (Prospectors Report 2001-23 by Gordon Richards)
GSC MAP 1339A; 15-1967
GSC OF 2324
GSC P *84-1A, pp. 91-94