The Crystal and Wonderful property adjoins the Lanark mine (082N 012) to the east, and is located on the southerly slopes of Fidelity Peak 2 kilometres north of the Trans-Canada Highway, about 58 kilometres west of Golden.
The property is underlain by Lower Cambrian and younger Lardeau Group carbonaceous schist, slate and limestone which strike northwest and dip steeply northeast. There are numerous showings of galena on the Crystal claim; the main Lanark vein is reported to strike across the claim. An opencut exposes about 45 centimetres of disseminated galena in a quartz vein hosted in slates and carbonaceous schist. The vein is conformable to the strike and dip of the hostrocks. A short tunnel in the eastern part of the claim near the Lanark property has been driven on the inferred extension of the Lanark vein; 15 centimetres of galena in a small quartz vein was intersected.
On the original Wonderful claims, to the west and adjoining the Crystal claim, a mineralized band of shattered limestone with quartz-calcite veins are conformable with the enclosing schist hangingwall and limestone footwall. The band strikes almost parallel to the Lanark vein which is 804 metres to the east. The band dips 50 degrees northeast and is 3.6 to 4.5 metres wide. Mineralization consists of bunches, stringers and lenses of galena and lesser sphalerite. Two short adits and a shallow shaft explored this mineralized band. In the lower adit, a sample across 38 centimetres of galena yielded 60 per cent lead, 6 per cent zinc, 2588.1 grams per tonne silver and 0.68 gram per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1923, page A233).