The Summit occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1250 metres on the east side of a hill, approximately 2.3 kilometres southeast of the southeast end of Johnson Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by limestone, marble, calcareous sedimentary rocks and greenschist metamorphic rocks of the Lower Cambrian Eagle Bay Assemblage. Bedding strikes approximately 130 degrees and dips 35 to 45 degrees northeast.
Locally, at the Summit zone, areas of brecciation and silicification in Tshinakin member limestone of the Eagle Bay Assemblage host quartz ± barite veins with galena mineralization.
In 2004, a sample (SEN.04/09-RK) assayed 0.24 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 28414).
In 2005, a sample (S.05/12RK) assayed 0.18 gram per tonne gold, whereas a nearby float sample (S.05/07RK) assayed 0.566 gram per tonne gold, 215.5 grams per tonne silver, 2.799 per cent lead and 0.759 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 28414).
In 2006, a sample (S/L-1W/75S) of brecciated and silicified limestone assayed 0.105 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 29639).
Approximately 1.5 kilometres to the east-northeast of the Summit zone and on the Gossan claim, an outcrop of massive, up to approximately 80 per cent, mariposite is hosted in a phyllite unit near the Poet fault. In 2006, a sample (G.06/118-Rk) of massive mariposite assayed 4 grams per tonne gold, whereas a nearby sample of altered limestone with pyrite assayed 0.17 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 29638).
Zones of skarn mineralization with 10 to 20 per cent pyrite are reported approximately 1.2 kilometres to the north west of the Summit zone on the Bog claim. These zones are parallel to the Samatosum fault.
Another anomalous zone is reported on the Samatosum claim, located approximately 1.8 kilometres to the west-northwest, and comprises a silicified limestone with pyrite, chalcocite and malachite associated with structures striking 290 degrees and dipping near vertically. In 2006, a sample (SA.06/03-Rk) assayed 0.378 per cent copper (Assessment Report 29006).
Two minor copper occurrences are reported on the Set 1 and Caesar 1 (Seazar 1) claims, located south of Johnson Lake and approximately 3.5 kilometres northwest of the Summit zone. The first occurrence comprises a 3-centimetre-wide quartz vein with chalcopyrite and pyrite in a pyritic and siliceous host with siderite-chlorite alteration and fuchsite or mariposite. The second occurrence is located to the south-southwest of the first and comprises gossanous and siliceous volcanic rocks hosting disseminated magnetite and trace pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. In 1988, a sample (12A-5R1) from the first zone assayed 0.156 per cent copper (Assessment Report 18544).
Work History
During 1983 through 1988, Omni Resources Inc. completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping, ground and airborne electromagnetic surveys and two drill holes, totalling 258.3 metres, on the Set 1 and Caesar 1 claims to the west and northwest.
In 1987 and 1988, Canova Resources Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt, and soil) sampling, 70.0 line-kilometres of ground electromagnetic and magnetic surveys and a 172.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the Amy-Dee claims.
During 2004 through 2007, the area was prospected as the Summit, Bog, Gossan and Samatosum claims by C. Lowry.