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File Created: 02-Nov-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  07-Dec-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name BAR B Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 082M011
Status Showing NTS Map 082M04W
Latitude 051º 10' 48'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 57' 11'' Northing 5673987
Easting 293608
Commodities Gold, Lead Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Bar B occurrence is located approximately 1 kilometre north of Dixon Lake and 1.5 kilometres west of Little Dixon Lake.

Regionally, the area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks, greenstone and greenschist metamorphic rocks of the Lower Paleozoic to Devonian Dixon Ridge and Forest Lake units of the Eagle Bay Assemblage.

Locally, as defined by diamond drilling, a chert with minor andesite tuff or ash bands hosts minor pyrite with gold values. Fractures contain clay, chlorite and occasionally quartz. To the southeast a chlorite-altered mafic tuff with quartz-carbonate veins and minor pyrite contains lead values.

In 1986, drillhole Bar 5 yielded 0.53 gram per tonne gold over 1.0 metre, whereas another drillhole (Bar 7), located to the southeast, yielded 0.28 per cent lead over 3.57 metres (Assessment Report 15681).

During 1984 through 1988, Falconbridge Copper completed programs of soil sampling, geological mapping, ground electromagnetic surveys and 15 diamond drill holes, totalling 1832.9 metres, on the area as the Bar A, B and C claim groups.

EMPR ASS RPT *6679, 13041, 15402, 16843, 18216, 29744, 30597, 33148
EMPR EXPL 1978-E107; 1984-123
GSC MAP 48-1963
GSC OF 637