The Bengold occurrence is located on the south side of Bendelin Creek in its north eastern head waters.
The area is underlain by quartz monzonitic intrusive rocks of the Middle Cretaceous Baldy batholith.
Locally, a 3- metre wide muscovite-biotite-potassium feldspar-quartz pegmatite dike hosts molybdenite mineralization. In 2011, two samples (BG11QPGFT5 and BG11QPG3) assayed 0.26 and 0.73 per cent molybdenum, respectively (Assessment Report 33216). A previous sample (99JLO-2-18-2) from the dike, taken in 2000, assayed 6.43 grams per tonne gold (Open File 2000-7).
During 2011 through 2013, programs of geochemical sampling and prospecting were completed on the area as the Bengold property. The dike was re-located and sampled at this time.