The Columbia Queen occurrence is located on the eastern side of an unnamed creek flowing northeast into Carnes Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1050 metres.
The area is underlain by a sericitic quartz-feldspathic rock, overlain by a succession of metamorphic volcanic rocks that include amphibolite, chlorite schist with interbedded thin beds of limestone. Overlying the meta-volcanic sequence are quartz-sericite schist, sericite schist and quartzite. A small plug of porphyritic biotite hornblende quartz monzonite intrudes the metamorphic rocks.
Locally, siliceous chlorite schist hosts an oxidized band of massive sulphides. Sulphide mineralization is not described.
In 2010, a sample (CQCR07) assayed 33.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.115 per cent copper and 0.118 per cent lead; while a nearby float sample (CQCR06) of similar material assayed 0.102 per cent copper, 0.148 per cent lead, 17.3 grams per tonne silver and 6.17 grams per tonne gold with greater than 1.0 per cent arsenic (Assessment Report 31823).
During 2010 through 2012, Signature Resources completed program of geochemical sampling and airborne electromagnetic and magnetic surveys on the area as the Columbia Queen property.