EMPR EXPL 2000-33-41; 2003-53; 2004-54
EMPRMER 2004-14
EMPR MINING 1981-1985
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1994-1
EMPR P 1991-4, pp. 107,108
GSC MAP 12-1964
GSC OF 637
CMH 1983-84, p. 256; 1984-85, pp. 279,281
CMJ Vol.99, No.4, pp. 39-42 (Reinertson, L.C. (1978)); Oct. 1981,
p. 53; April 1992
ECON GEOL *Vol.79, No.5, pp. 789-814 (Hoy, T., Gibson, G. and Berg,
N.W. (1984))
N MINER Dec.11, 2000
Hoy, T. and Berg, N. (1983): Goldstream Deposit in Stratabound
Base Metal Deposits in Southeast B.C.- GAC MAC CGU 1983, pp. 11-1
to 11-9
Hoy, T. and Nelson, W.I. (1977): Goldstream: a massive sulphide
Cu-Zn deposit in Eocambrian metasediments, southeastern B.C. -
Abstract, GAC 1977 Annual Meeting, p. 25
Lane, L.S. (1977): Structure and stratigraphy, Goldstream River-
Downie Creek area, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; Unpublished M.Sc.
Thesis, Ottawa, Carleton University
New Release Imperial Metals Corp, Oct.17, Dec.4, 2000
PR REL Orphan Boy Resource Inc. Jan.23, Apr.20, *Aug.26, 2004
EMPR PFD 888011, 888012, 888013, 888014, 888015, 888016, 888017, 888018, 888019, 888020, 888021, 890015