The Stitt Creek placer garnet deposit is located at the confluence of Stitt Creek and Goldstream River, about 70 kilometres north of the community of Revelstoke. The deposit is an alluvial fan into a braided stream, with a depth of 5.1 metres. The deposit is very irregular with economic grades of almandine garnet. Calculated reserves are 300,000 tonnes with potential to double (D. Hora, personal communication, 1994).
Cassiar Coal Company Ltd. conducted a 25-hole drilling program totalling approximately 373 metres in 1995 on the south resource block of Placer Lease 315346. Drill spacing was tightened to 50 metres from 100 metres and done on a diamond pattern. Drilling in 1993 on the north resource block was on 200 metre spacings. Drilling in 1995 was followed by pitting and bulk sampling. The 1995 program indicates a blanket-like deposit improving to the west; overburden is 1-2 metres. The company estimates the 1995 work increased mineable reserves by 25 per cent, pending final results of bulk sampling.
Development work was reported to be ongoing in 1996.