The property lies within the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex consisting of a strongly foliated assemblage of quartz mica schist, skarn, quartzite, marble and amphibolite. These rocks are intruded by pegmatites and quartz-monzonites.
Foliation and compositional layering reflect a north and north- east structural trend with steep to moderate dips to the east.
A north trending skarn, consisting of garnet-pyroxene- amphibole-quartz containing pyrite, scheelite and molybdo-scheelite, has developed in a diopside marble along the upper and lower contacts of an intruding thin (0.6 metre) coarse-grained, quartz monzonite sill. Maximum thickness of the skarn is 0.6 metres. Amphibolite overlying the marble unit is also altered with weak development of pyroxene, garnet, quartz and pyrite, with very small amounts of scheelite and molybdo-scheelite. A chip sample assayed 0.35 per cent WO3 over 0.14 metres(Assessment Report 9544).
Weak chalcopyrite and malachite mineralization occurs in heavily fractured and faulted fine-grained quartz monzonite, 200 metres east of the skarn showing.