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File Created: 31-Mar-1993 by Discovery Consultants (DISC)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name GLENEMMA Mining Division Vernon
BCGS Map 082L044
Status Showing NTS Map 082L06W
Latitude 050º 29' 09'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 16' 30'' Northing 5595123
Easting 338614
Commodities Limestone, Marble Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Glenemma showing is located 5 kilometres northwest of Armstrong. The occurrence is a 300-metre long, 25-metre high bluff north of the Armstrong-Glenemma road.

In this area, sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group are in fault contact to the north with Cambrian-Ordovician volcanic (Tsalkom Formation) and sedimentary (Sicamous Formation) rocks. To the south, the Nicola Group is in probable unconformable contact with Devonian to Triassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Harper Ranch Group to the south. Cretaceous granodiorite plugs of the Salmon Arm Intrusions intrude the Nicola, Sicamous and Tsalkom rocks. Outliers of Eocene Kamloops Group volcanic rocks are present in the area.

A marble unit in the Tsalkom Formation comprises white to grey streaked, medium to coarse-grained calcium marble. About 800 metres to the west and south of the road, similar limestone has been quarried from a small pit.

EMPR AR *1961, p. 145,146
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 55-58; 1988, pp. 355-363
EMPR MAP 7216G, 8513G
EMPR OF 1989-5, 1990-30, 1992-18
EMPR PF (In 082LSW General - Claim Map, 1966)
GSC OF 637 (Map B), 736, 2167
GSC P 89-1E pp. 51-60