The Salmon River North showing is located 9 kilometres west of Falkland, north of the Salmon River.
In this area, sedimentary rocks of the Devonian to Triassic Harper Ranch Group are in probable unconformable contact with Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Cretaceous granodiorite plugs of the Salmon Arm Intrusions intrude the Nicola Group rocks. Extensive Eocene Kamloops Group volcanic rocks cap the older rocks.
The Harper Ranch Group hosts a Permian limestone lens. The lens consists of vertical thick and thin beds of light grey limestone over a maximum thickness of 150 metres and an exposed strike of 1200 metres. The lens contains irregular zones and patches of chert, quartz and argillaceous material. Sampling returned 50.13 per cent CaO, 1.6 per cent MgO, 0.24 per cent Fe2O3 and insolubles at 6.5 per cent (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1961, pages 144, 148).