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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  31-Mar-1993 by Discovery Consultants (DISC)

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Name SHORTS CREEK Mining Division Vernon
BCGS Map 082L012
Status Showing NTS Map 082L04E
Latitude 050º 08' 33'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 37' 33'' Northing 5557776
Easting 312383
Commodities Coal Deposit Types A04 : Bituminous coal
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage, Harper Ranch
Capsule Geology

The Shorts Creek showing is located 28 kilometres west-southwest of Vernon, on the steep north slopes of Shorts Creek.

In this area, Middle Jurassic granite intrudes Devonian to Triassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Harper Ranch Group. A major graben-like Eocene basin of Penticton Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks extends north-south across Shorts Creek.

A 30 to 60-metre thick basal conglomeratic unit of the Penticton Group hosts an impure bituminous coal seam. The coal-bearing beds, striking 100 degrees and dipping 20 degrees north, are about 30 metres above the base of the sediments. The coal occurs as narrow beds intercalated with thin layers of shale and can be traced for about 1 kilometre on surface, averaging about 1.5 metres thick.

The first reference to this occurrence is from 1905. By 1932, a 24-metre shaft and a 12-metre tunnel had been completed.

EMPR AR 1905-193; 1911-180; *1913-179,180; 1929-249 1930-208; *1932-144; 1933-198
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 55-58; 1988, pp. 355-363
EMPR MAP 37, 5207G, 7216G
EMPR OF 1989-5, 1990-30
EMPR P 1982-1, pp. 12-16
EMPR PF (In 082LSW General - Claim Map, 1966)
GSC MAP 46-7, 1712A
GSC MEM 296 p. 162
GSC OF 637 (Map C), 736, 2167
GSC P 89-1E pp. 51-60
GSC SUM RPT *1931A, p. 100-103
EMPR PFD 810893