The Pilot (J.G.) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1040 metres on the north side of Weyman Creek, 2.8 kilometres west of the creekâs junction with the Salmon River.
Regionally, the area is underlain by greenstone metamorphic and serpentine ultramafic rocks of the Permian Chapperon Group, which are in probable unconformable contact with mudstone, siltstone, shale, fine clastic sedimentary rocks and undivided volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. These have been intruded by Late Triassic to Early Jurassic granodioritic rocks and overlain by undivided volcanic rocks of the Eocene Kamloops and Penticton groups.
Locally, foliated quartz diorite, granodiorite, gabbro and, to a lesser extent, Nicola tuffaceous volcanic rocks host a shear zone and associated quartz vein stockwork with lenses, stringers and pods of disseminated to massive pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and minor sphalerite mineralization. Malachite and azurite are also reported. The mineralized zone is up to 1.04 metres wide and is exposed for at least 4 metres along a northeast strike. Similar mineralization occurs as disseminations and in fractures in the diorite. The sheared and brecciated rocks have undergone chloritic and K-feldspar alteration.
In 1932, a sample from an opencut located near the shaft is reported to have assayed 13.7 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 19633).
In 1988, diamond drilling yielded intercepts of 0.113 per cent copper over 2.25 metre in hole JG-3 and 0.219 per cent copper over 1.05 metres in hole JG-4, whereas two channel samples (JG-R13 and -R14) yielded 0.14 and 0.13 per cent copper over 1.4 and 1.0 metres, respectively (Assessment Report 18242).
In 1989, diamond drilling yielded intercepts of up to 0.740 gram per tonne gold, 3.2 grams per tonne silver and 0.205 per cent copper over 1.02 metres in hole 89-6 (Assessment Report 19633).
In 1992, diamond drill hole 92-8, located south of Weyman Creek, intersected numerous, narrow, up to 1.26 metres wide, grey-green silicified/skarn zones in a hornblende quartz diorite hosting pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, yielding up to 0.120 per cent copper over 2.25 metres (Assessment Report 22925).
In 1999, diamond drilling east of the trenches yielded intercepts of 0.238 per cent copper over 0.87 metre and 0.367 per cent copper over 0.37 metre in hole PG99-1 and 0.22 gram per tonne gold over 0.57 metre in hole PG99-2 (Assessment Report 26045).
The area has been explored since the early 1900s and by 1932, a 5-metre shaft and at least two trenches or opencuts had been developed on the occurrence.
In 1984, H. Adams completed two short diamond drill holes, totalling 25.46 metres, on the area as the J.G. claim. In 1988, a further two short diamond drill holes, totalling 81.4 metres, were completed. The following year, four diamond drill holes, totalling 227.4 metres, were completed.
In 1992, four diamond drill holes, totalling 252.9 metres, were completed on the south side of Weyman Creek. In 1995, a further two diamond drill holes, totalling 156.7 metres, were completed. In 1999, two diamond drill holes, totalling 305.5 metres, were completed.
In 2014, HPX Quesnellia Holding 1 Inc. completed a program of soil sampling and geological mapping on the area immediately southwest as the Weyman 1-9 claims.
In 2020, Monumental Gold Corp. completed a 591 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Weyman property.