The Jim showing is located 19 kilometres west-southwest of Falkland, north of Adelphi Creek.
In this area, sedimentary rocks of the Devonian to Triassic Harper Ranch Group are in probable unconformable contact with Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Middle Jurassic granitic plutons intrude the Harper Ranch and Nicola, and Cretaceous granodiorite plugs intrude the Nicola. Extensive Eocene Kamloops Group volcanic rocks cap the older rocks.
Middle Jurassic well-jointed biotite granodiorite intrudes quartzites, with minor interbedded argillite, and metavolcanic chlorite schists. Later quartz-eye aplite and rhyolite dikes cut the above rocks. The granodiorite and, to a lesser degree, the quartzite host molybdenum, tungsten and minor copper mineralization. Molybdenite occurs as disseminations and rosettes along fractures and as clots within sericitic vuggy quartz veinlets. Scheelite occurs in quartz veinlets, chalcopyrite and pyrite are also present.
The showing was discovered by S. Brewer. In 1965, Bralorne Pioneer Mines Ltd. carried out geological mapping, soil geochemistry and trenching programs. In 1967, D. Bonlie conducted a program of geological mapping, soil geochemistry and drilling. In 1972, Cutlass Exploration Ltd. conducted a trenching program. In 1975, Teck Corporation Ltd. prospected the property and in 1979 Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co. Ltd. carried out geological mapping, soil geochemistry, induced polarization and magnetometer surveys.