The Renown showing is located 26 kilometres east of Edgewood, north of Inonoaklin Creek near Coates Creek. The Renown is about 450 metres north of the Paradise showing (082LSE002).
Four opencuts were reported in 1930. In 1983, prospecting and geochemical sampling were conducted on the Au 1 and 2 claims, which were staked over the Paladora(082LSE008), Ballarat(082LSE024), Paradise and Renown showings. An unsuccessful attempt was made to locate the old workings. In 1985, prospecting was conducted on the Golden Marten I and II claims, which were staked over the Paladora, Ballarat, Paradise and Renown showings.
The area is underlain by granitic rocks of the Jurassic Nelson Intrusions which intrude volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Devonian to Triassic Harper Ranch Group.
A narrow east striking, vertically dipping quartz vein, 40 to 83 centimetres wide, has been traced for 131 metres. The vein, hosted in granite, contains pyrite and has been exposed by 4 opencuts. A sample from the No. 2 opencut across 40 centimetres assayed 10.3 grams per tonne gold and 48 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1930, page 263).