The BWD occurrence is located near the creek mouth of Blackwood Creek on Shuswap Lake.
The area is underlain by quartzite, micaceous quartzite and quartz-mica schist of the Hadrynian and/or Paleozoic Silver Creek Formation (Mount Ida Group). The mica schists are the most common rock type observed. Muscovite is dominant in these schists; however, lenses rich in biotite and chlorite have been observed. Intercalated with the mica schists are lenses of massive, generally fine-grained, micaceous quartzite. Narrow, granitic and pegmatite dikes are common, cutting the local planes of schistosity in places. Observed schistosity attitudes are variable, with strikes ranging from 070 to 145 degrees and dipping from 40 to 50 degrees to the north.
Locally, two types of mineralization have been noted. The first consists of 0.15 to 1.0 metre quartz veins hosting fracture filling sphalerite and pyrite with lesser disseminated chalcopyrite, galena, bornite and pyrrhotite. The second consists of narrow, 15 to 30 centimetre wide, flat-lying sills consisting of quartz, albite, carbonate, biotite mica schists and dolerite- type rocks hosting pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pyrite as fracture fillings in alteration zones of silicification and as replacement of mica with potassic clay. A rock sample (BLK-05) assayed 5.13 per cent zinc (Property File - Geolisting British Columbia [1999-06-02]: Geolisting - BWD).
In 1998, the area was prospected as the BWD claims.