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File Created: 19-Sep-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  27-Jun-1995 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name BLIND BAY, NOTCH HILL, SHUSWAP LAKE Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 082L084
Status Showing NTS Map 082L14W
Latitude 050º 52' 46'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 22' 20'' Northing 5639100
Easting 333121
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

Limestone outcrops along the beach on the southwest side of Blind Bay, on the south shore of Shuswap Lake. The limestone lies on the northern edge of a belt of limestone and schist of the lower Paleozoic Sicamous Formation (Mount Ida Group), which trends westward for 27 kilometres. The limestone on the beach strikes 005 degrees and dips 15 degrees west.

The beach exposures reveal fine grained, dark blue, thinly bedded, graphitic limestone displaying mica flakes along bedding planes. Numerous white calcite veins and a few quartz veins, 5 to 10 centimetres thick, cut across the bedding. Several thin, platy masses of dark blue dolomite are exposed at one point.

A chip sample taken across 3.0 metres of strata analysed 51.78 per cent CaO, 0.75 per cent MgO, 4.04 per cent SiO2, 0.59 per cent Al2O3, 0.66 per cent Fe2O3 and 0.06 per cent sulphur (CANMET Report 811, page 191, Sample 50).

EMPR AR 1960-143
EMPR PF (General File - Dawson, G.M. (1898): Geology map of Shuswap Sheet)
GSC MEM 296, pp. 21-22
GSC OF 481; 637
GSC P 48-4; 74-1A, pp. 25-30; 86-1A, pp. 81-88; 89-1E, pp. 51-60
CANMET RPT 811, Part 5, pp. 185,187,191
CJES Vol.13, pp. 44-53; Vol.21 (Oct.1984), pp. 1171-1193