The main Annis showing is located in the northeast area of the Shuswap Silver property, approximately 20 kilometres northeast of Salmon Arm.
The Shuswap Silver property is underlain by quartzite, micaceous quartzite and quartz-mica schist of the Hadrynian and/or Paleozoic Silver Creek Formation (Mount Ida Group). The mica schists are the most common rock type observed. Muscovite is dominant in these schists; however, lenses rich in biotite and chlorite have been observed. Intercalated with the mica schists are lenses of massive, generally fine-grained, micaceous quartzite. Narrow, granitic and pegmatite dikes are common, cutting the local planes of schistosity in places. Observed schistosity attitudes are variable, with strikes ranging from 070 to 145 degrees and dipping from 40 to 50 degrees to the north.
Within the workings area, the rocks consist of alternating, comparatively thin bands of quartzite and quartz-mica schist. The quartz-mica schist is largely a biotite schist, but bands do occur where the mica is entirely muscovite or muscovite-sericite. In places, this becomes an almost pure muscovite or sericite schist. The rock units are from several centimetres to a couple of tens of metres thick.
Mineralization consists of massive to semi-massive sulphides made up of galena, sphalerite, minor chalcopyrite, pyrite and considerable pyrrhotite. Sulphide bands are found in biotite schist, usually with quartzite, and appear conformable to bedding. These bands vary from several centimetres to 1 metre in width. Locally, closely spaced sulphide bands occur over a 3 to 3.6 metre width.
Samples of sulphides from trenches A to J in the main showing area assayed from 1.1 to 13 per cent lead, trace to 4.3 per cent zinc and trace to 143.9 grams per tonne silver, across widths that varied from 0.6 to 3.3 metres (Property File - Map of Trenches and Diamond Drill Holes on Claims near Sicamous, 1966).
The main Annis showing is developed by an adit 64.6 metres long and by several pits (A to J). Three southernmost trenches/pits (2, 3 and 6) comprise the Annis 11 showing (MINFILE 082LNW025), and are located 304 metres south of the adit. Trench 5, 122 metres north of the Annis 11 showing, comprises the Annis 5 showing (MINFILE 082LNW024). Three pits/trenches (K to M), approximately 182 metres north-northwest of the adit, comprise the Annis 8 showing (now the Borrow Pit showing; MINFILE 082LNW023; Property File - Map of Trenches and Diamond Drill Holes on Claims near Sicamous, 1966).
The area was first explored by Togo Mining Ltd. in 1958, who dug a 25.9-metre long adit and completed bulldozer trenching on the Annis area.
From 1964 to 1970, Annis Mines Ltd. continued the adit by 38.7 metres, and conducted diamond drilling, blasting and trenching and spontaneous potential geophysics.
In 1972, Enid Spankes owned the property and completed line cutting.
In 1973, Sicamous Resources Ltd. completed soil sampling, geological mapping, and VLF-EM geophysical surveys.
In 1976, Sicamous Resources Ltd. completed soil sampling.
In 1977, Granges Exploration Inc. conducted a pulse EM geophysics survey on the property.
In 1978, Granges Exploration Inc. completed geochemical soil sampling and a 13-hole drill program.
In 1982, Caltex Hydrocarbons Inc. executed an exploration program of soil sampling and ground magnetic surveys.
From 1986 to 1989, D. A. Leishman and W. Gruenwald completed field grids and ground magnetic and VLF-EM geophysical surveys.
In 1989, K. W. Lukawesky completed a ground magnetic survey on the S.J.1 and J.L.1 claims (now part of the Shuswap Silver property).
From 1989 to 1990, D. A. Leishman and W. Gruenwald completed field grids, rock and soil sampling and ground magnetic and VLF-EM geophysical surveys. Highlights include sample 56754, which assayed 0.277 per cent copper, 1 per cent lead, 0.469 per cent zinc and 8.8 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 19824).
In 1995, Equity Engineering Ltd. executed an exploration program of prospecting and rock and soil sampling.
In 1996, APAC Minerals Inc. and Equity Engineering Ltd. completed geological mapping, rock and soil sampling, and magnetic and EM geophysical surveys. Highlights include chip sample 485847, which assayed 65.1 grams per tonne silver, 8.27 per cent lead and 0.806 per cent zinc over 0.5 metres (Assessment Report 24909).
In 1998, APAC Minerals Inc. and Equity Engineering Ltd. conducted rock chip sampling, trenching and diamond drilling.
In 2008, Misty Creek Ventures Ltd. and Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd. (formerly Equity Engineering Ltd.) completed a small exploration program of geological mapping and rock sampling.
In 2011, MatNic Resources Inc. completed airborne VTEM and magnetometer geophysical surveys, prospecting and rock, silt and soil sampling. Highlights include sample 545571, which assayed 0.932 per cent copper, 8.22 per cent lead, 0.67 per cent zinc and 83.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 32490).
In 2012, MatNic Resources Inc. completed a three-hole diamond drill program.