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File Created: 29-Dec-1993 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name ODIN CREEK Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082L060
Status Showing NTS Map 082L09E
Latitude 050º 33' 59'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 08' 46'' Northing 5602235
Easting 418832
Commodities Sillimanite, Garnet Deposit Types P02 : Kyanite-sillimanite schists
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Monashee
Capsule Geology

Precambrian-Paleozoic(?) Monashee Complex (Group) rocks are exposed in the Thor-Odin gneiss dome, a part of a large domal complex in the central, eastern part of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex. The dome is characterized by a structural-stratigraphic succession divided into four lithologically distinct zones. These are: the Core Zone, comprising migmatitic and granitic gneisses in the central part of the gneiss dome; the Mantling Zone, well-differentiated metasedimentary rocks ranging from quartzite and marble through calcsilicate gneiss to pelitic schist; the Fringe Zone, in part overlapping, and in part surrounding the Mantling Zone and characterized by large amounts of granitic and pegmatitic rocks; and the Supracrustal Zone that lies outside the gneiss complex, and forms a cover to the gneisses.

In the Mount Odin-Mount Symonds-Mount Fosthall area, paragneisses and schists of the Mantling Zone are present which contain abundant coarse garnet and prismatic sillimanite. Typical exposures occur near the headwaters of Odin Creek. These gneisses and schists may contain up to 15 per cent sillimanite which is present in the form of prismatic crystals up to 10 centimetres long, and abundant garnet porphyroblasts, up to 2.5 centimetres in size. In the same area, coarse garnet 1 to 2 centimetres in size may comprise up to 30 per cent of some amphibolite layers, but is more commonly present in quantities of 10 per cent or less.

EMPR OF *1988-26
GSC OF 481; 658