Fine to medium grained quartz feldspar granitic pegmatites are interlayered with biotite-quartz-feldspar gneiss of the Precambrian- Paleozoic(?) Monashee Complex. Foliation of the gneiss strikes 080 to 100 degrees and dips 10 to 30 degrees north. Some of the pegmatites crosscut the gneiss as dikes and sills, however, the largest pegmatites are conformable lenses with thicknesses to 5 metres and strike lengths to 70 metres.
Radioactivity is associated with the granitic pegmatites, with anomalous zones up to several metres long and a few centimetres wide. At the Cran 2 showing, mineralization consists of uraninite associated with a biotite clot in an 8 centimetre wide pegmatite. A sample across the 8 centimetres assayed 0.35 per cent uranium (Assessment Report 6816).