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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  08-Jul-2020 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name CLANWILLIAM LAKE, SUMMIT LAKE Mining Division Revelstoke
BCGS Map 082L099
Status Showing NTS Map 082L16W
Latitude 050º 58' 06'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 22' 28'' Northing 5647203
Easting 403492
Commodities Silica Deposit Types R07 : Silica sandstone
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Monashee, Kootenay
Capsule Geology

Pure, coarsely crystalline quartzite is common among strata of the Precambrian-Paleozoic(?) Monashee Complex. These rocks are free from iron-bearing minerals, appear translucent white in hand specimen, and are so homogeneous as to be almost devoid of internal bedding or lamination. Such quartzite may be a potential source of silica for industrial uses where a high degree of purity is demanded. Near Clanwilliam Lake, relatively pure quartzites occur.

Locally, the area is underlain by calcsilicate metamorphic and paragneiss units of the Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic Monashee complex.

In 2013, Addie completed an exploration program over the property containing the occurrence including geological mapping and sampling of 21 pegmatite showings. Lepidolite with pink and/or green tourmaline, beryl and rose quartz were identified at these showings.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 54-58
EMPR OF 1987-15, p. 44; 1990-30
GSC MAP 143A; 1059A
GSC MEM *296, p. 162
GSC OF 481; 658
Lane, R. (2017-01-10): Technical Report on the Kootenay Lithium Project.