The Fitzstubbs Creek Gold property is located 16 kilometres by road from the village of Rosebery on Slocan Lake.
A 0.35 to 1.0 metre thick silicified zone contains disseminated pyrite and galena from which a grab sample assayed 6.7 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 12042). Two other samples taken from the zone yielded insignificant assays. The silicified zone crosscuts granitic rocks shown on GSC Open File 432 as feldspar porphyry of unknown age; however, the intrusive body is probably an apophysis related to the Jurassic Kuskanax batholith, located a few kilometres to the northwest. The plutonic rocks intrude mafic volcanic rocks of the Permo-Triassic Kaslo Group and clastic sedimentary rocks of the Triassic Slocan Group.
The property was originally staked by Alex Strebchuck in 1966, and held until 1980. During that time, work programs included stripping, trenching and prospecting. Mr. Strebchuck re-acquired the property in 1983, and undertook additional prospecting, trenching, lithogeochemical and soil sampling and geological mapping (Assessment Report 12042).