The Prince showings are located 2 kilometres north of the town of Nakusp. They were exposed during excavation for a trailer court.
Vein-type lead-zinc-silver showings are reported to be present (Assessment Report 20005) with pyrite in showings in the trailer court. Galena is reported in Assessment Report 15875, as is an assay of 48.5 per cent lead, 3116 grams per tonne silver and 7.5 grams per tonne gold. There is no information on the geology of the occurrence other than the rock in a diamond-drill hole on the property which is a phyllitic rock which appears to be volcanic, with a relic texture suggesting either a tuff or a porphyritic flow (Assessment Report 20005). If the hostrocks are volcanic, they likely belong to the Triassic Rossland Group. GSC Open File 432 shows the area to be underlain by pelitic to silty phyllite and slate of the Triassic Slocan Group.
The showing was uncovered in 1974 during excavations for a trailer court and the Coachman mineral claim was staked by J.E. Harris. Five percussion-drill holes were drilled in 1976 (Assessment Report 6296). In 1986, prospecting and a single diamond-drill hole were completed on the property (Assessment Report 15785). During 1990, another diamond-drill hole (38.1 metres) was completed.