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File Created: 14-Sep-1995 by Ron McMillan (RHM)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name MOUNTAIN MEADOW MO (EAST) Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082K002
Status Showing NTS Map 082K04W
Latitude 050º 04' 52'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 45' 51'' Northing 5547929
Easting 445327
Commodities Molybdenum Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Mountain Meadow Mo (East) showing is located on Meadow Mountain, approximately 15 kilometres northeast of Burton. Good access is available on gravel roads to the western edge of the property.

The showing (Assessment Report 7829) is a set of sheeted quartz veins, ranging from 1 to 30 centimetres in thickness, containing fine-grained pyrite and molybdenite as coarse rosettes and fine seams. Coarse euhedral K-feldspar crystals impart a pegmatitic texture to the veins. The main vein set strikes approximately 160 degrees, generally dipping steeply east and outcrops over a length of 700 metres and a width of 250 metres. A weaker mineralized fracture set strikes 030 degrees, dipping steeply southeast (Assessment Report 11865). Hostrocks are quartz diorites of the Jurassic Ruby Range stock, which intrudes east trending, steeply dipping clastic sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks of the Triassic Slocan Group. Potassium-argon dating of biotite from the Ruby Range stock yielded an age of 123 million years (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 464).

During 1979 (Assessment Report 7829) the property was geologically mapped, prospected and 960 soil and silt geochemical samples collected and analysed for molybdenum, copper, zinc and lead.

EMPR ASS RPT *7829, 11865
GSC OF 432