The Olympus East showing is situated in the Whitewater Creek basin, 3.5 kilometres northwest of the Highland Surprise occurrence (082KSW037). The town of Kaslo lies 28 kilometres to the southeast.
Andesitic volcanics of the Permian Kaslo Group underlie the Olympus West showing (082KSW175). Locally these volcanics may be fragmental or tuffaceous. Serpentinite, locally hosting chrysotile along hairline fractures, occurs to the northeast. Serpentinite contacts appear to be faulted. Small outcrops of coarse grained hornblende porphyry, quartz feldspar porphyry (dikes?) were noted nearby. A major shear zone trending 330 degrees was noted northeast of this showing, intersecting the serpentinite body along its western margin.
The Olympus East showing consists of the southeastern vein of two subparallel veins (see Olympus West, 082KSW175), roughly 175 metres apart along strike. The EK 78910 occurrence (082KSW066) lies 500 metres to the east and may be the underground extension of this surface vein. The vein strikes 075 degrees and dips 70 to 90 degrees east, and intersects a 340-degree trending shear 4 metres to the east of the sample location indicated below. At this location the vein is 3 to 5 centimetres wide.
A rock chip sample across 5 centimetres of quartz and hematite vein yielded assay values of 0.19 per cent lead, 0.41 per cent zinc and 5.9 parts per million silver (Assessment Report 12167). A select grab sample from the shaft dump (EK 78910, 082KSW066) yielded 435 grams per tonne silver, 12.9 per cent lead and 4.1 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 12167).