The Towser Fraction occurrence lies between the former Jackson mine (082KSW015) and the former Texas mine (082KSW016), at 2073 metres elevation in the headwaters of Stenson Creek. Kaslo, British Columbia is 12 kilometres to the east-southeast of the occurrence.
Hostrocks at the Towser Fraction occurrence are slate, interbedded argillite and a few narrow limestone beds of the Triassic Slocan Group. Numerous quartz porphyry dikes and sills intrude this stratigraphic sequence. Highly altered basic dikes were also found crosscutting strata but are nearly parallel to lodes at the former Jackson mine. Dikes are highly sheared and altered to carbonate, quartz and mariposite.
No records could be found providing a geological description of the vein or mineralization of the former Texas mine. There may be some similarity in mode of occurrence and mineralization style to the former Jackson and Texas mines, therefore a brief geological description of these is provided in the following paragraphs.
At the former Jackson mine, the main lode, the Jackson lode, is defined as a vein-fissure. The lode generally strikes 075 to 085 degrees but changes over its exposed length to 340 degrees, nearly conforming to bedding. Overall, the lode dips 40 degrees easterly. Ore minerals include galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite in a matrix of siderite, quartz and brecciated basic dike hostrock. Blebs and irregular streaks of mineralization were up to 25 centimetres wide, occurring next to the hangingwall. Most commonly, a near-solid band of sphalerite, 5 to 60 centimetres wide, followed closely along the footwall. Overall, the lode is well defined.
A number of other vein exposures were found on the Dublin Queen Crown grant and the adjoining Corrigan occurrence (082KSW014).
The Texas lode has a strike of 120 degrees and a dip of 69 degrees southwest. The maximum thickness is 1.2 metres. Mineralization consisted of minor sphalerite and a little galena in quartz and calcite. Clean galena formed small, irregular pockets.
For a more detailed description of the geology, lodes and occurrences in the area refer to the former Jackson mine and the former Texas mine.
The Towser Fraction occurrence has 11 tonnes of mined ore recorded in 1948. At this time the property was owned and operated by C.J. Garrett. From this 11 tonnes, 8927 grams silver, 2222 kilograms lead and 2339 kilograms zinc were recovered.