The Ruby Silver occurrence is located at 2286 metres elevation between the headwater of the south fork of McGuigan Creek and Rambler Creek. The occurrence is 450 metres east-southeast of the former Antoine mine (082KSW011). New Denver, British Columbia is 10 kilometres to the southwest.
The former Ruby Silver mine is hosted in slates and argillites of the Triassic Slocan Group. These strata are in turn intruded by quartz porphyry dikes. A small tonnage of high grade silver-lead ore was mined from a fissure-vein lode. The average grade of ore was 7234 grams per tonne silver and 51 per cent lead (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 184, page 116).
Total recorded production from the former Ruby Silver mine amounted to 36 tonnes with 262,976 grams silver and 18,592 kilograms lead recovered.