The Two Brothers occurrence is located on Gallop Creek, west of Duncan Lake, in the Slocan Mining Division. The showing is situated on Reverted Crown grant Lot 2005 which is part of a contiguous group of three Reverted Crown grants and two fractional Crown grants (Lots 2005 to 2009) (see President, 082KSE012).
Regionally, the area lies within the Selkirk Mountains of southeastern British Columbia. The occurrence is within the Kootenay Arc, a curving belt of highly deformed metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks which includes the Upper Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group, the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hamill Group, the Lower Cambrian Badshot Formation, and the Paleozoic Lardeau and Milford groups. The volcano-sedimentary sequence is intruded by numerous Paleozoic to Mesozoic granitoid plutons.
The property is underlain by quartzite, limestone and volcanic rocks of the Index Formation of the Lardeau Group. The quartzite is locally brecciated and chloritic within north-trending shears. A 2-metre chip sample across a mineralized shear on Lot 2007 (President Fr.) (082KSE012) assayed 260 grams silver (Assessment Report 9480). Ore minerals within the shear consist of argentite and sphalerite.
In 1970, trenching work on the Two Brothers Reverted Crown grant uncovered a 3.5 metre wide area of quartz veining within altered limestone. This mineralization consists of mariposite, pyrite and tetrahedrite occurring as stringers in narrow quartz veins. The veins carried only low silver values (Exploration in British Columbia 1977).
Work History
In the 1890’s, mineralized float was identified in the area.
In 1970, a program of stripping and trenching was reportedly performed on the area. In 1976, Precambrian Shield Resources Ltd. option the property from Consolidated Boundary Exploration Ltd. and a lone diamond drill hole was completed. In 1980, Cominco completed a program of soil sampling and trenching.
In 2011, the area was examined by Moose Mountain Technical Services on the behalf of Rainbow Resources Inc. as the Big Strike property.