The Royal 5 claim was located on the south side of Little Wilson Lake, 15 kilometres east of Nakusp.
The area is shown on the geological map in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 432 as being underlain by the Jurassic Kuskanax batholith which consists of syenite, leuco-quartz monzonite and leucogranite. Assessment Report 11893, which presents the logs from some drillholes on the Royal 5 claim, has documented the presence of syenitic intrusive rocks, as well as metamorphic rocks which are possibly xenoliths or pendants within the Kuskanax batholith. Lithologies include sericite schist, black argillite and phyllite which were probably derived from the Triassic Slocan Group.
Assessment Report 11893, which documents an 11-hole, 338-metre X-ray drill program completed in 1983, describes an "alteration zone" consisting of "light to dark brown silicified and sideritic breccia with quartz stringers containing 2 per cent sulphides - pyrite, minor galena, chalcopyrite, possibly molybdenite and an unidentified "grey metallic" mineral". No assays are available.